What I Have Learnt in my time with TRWLA

VTT Matema
I have learnt a lot in was has been a fleeting enjoyable moment with The Academy. During this time I have learnt a lot of priceless life lessons that I will carry with me with me forever as they have led me on a path to become the best woman and self I can be.

Here is a list of my top four lessons learnt during the past year:

1. Feminism is not as bad as the men make it sound:
Before I started TRWLA I used to think that feminism is ridiculous and for women who have a vendetta against men. I now see that that is not the only side if feminism. Believing in equality of the sexes is the ultimate goal of Feminism. I have found that men can too be feminists and that just because a woman is feminist does not mean they are against marriage or hate men.

2. As women we need to have each other’s backs:
Women have come a long way since the Suffragettes. The only way they have made it, the only way we have made it is by sticking together and being there for each other for the greater good of the future generations of women. Although we have come a long way the society construct is still not in our favour and we as women need to keep together and stand strong in breaking the stereotype and achieving equality together as one for “Divided we fall, but together we stand”.

3. Authenticity and leadership go hand in hand:
In order for one to be a good leader and be always respected by peers and those we are leading we have to stay true to who we are. You cannot be a great and respected leader if who you are changes with the tide like a plastic bag drifting through the wind. Leadership is not only the person who stands in front of the people telling them what to do, there are many different kinds of leadership. One just has to find which one suits their character, personality and capabilities.

4. Rape is not the only form of Gender Based Violence:
A lot of girls and women experience GBV without even realizing it. The car guards whistling and cat calling at us is a form of GBV. Discrimination simply because one is female or identifies as female is a form of GBV. A boyfriend insisting on feeling his “girl” up after she has said no is a form of GBV. Most of us do nothing about because it never registers to us that we have just been assaulted. This is usually the case because some girls are not conscious of these things, some women just think it’s their duty to be submissive to their men, and some women have just grown a thick skin to it.

I am really grateful for the opportunity to learn about the endless possibilities to leadership as a woman.

28 Septmeber 2018

- VTT Matema
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