
Iris Talane
Iris, the most beautiful flower in the world, a flower that symbolises life, love, wisdom, hope, faith and beauty. A flower that was once lost, confused and torn out. A flower that survived heavy storms and droughts. A flower that is still standing today.

She is a woman, an amazing beautiful soul. You may think you know her, but no one really does. She is imperfect – yes, but all her imperfections make her perfect. She was never this flower till TRWLA came into her life. She was blue and had no confidence, she could not even speak let alone have an opinion, she just observed and settled. Yes, she is an introvert, but it was never about being shy, it was about being afraid. Thankfully TRWLA happened and everything changed. She is now Iris - the flower, she comes in magnificent colours and blooms with grace as she remembered who she was.

As the words say, “if it does not challenge you, it does not change you’’. The TuksRes Women in Leadership Academy was a game changer for her. She can speak without fear, think without favour and cry without judgement. Because it is in TRWLA that she found herself and found comfort, a place for all women to find and rebuild themselves, learn to love and appreciate who they are, a place to grow, to own your voice and speak up in confidence, knowing that if you do not say something then you are saying something. Nothing motivates her more than seeing a woman pick herself up every time she falls. She understands it gets hard, at times she has no idea how she will do it, but she always gets it done somehow. She is Iris, a strong, beautiful, worthy, hardworking woman with a voice. She had a voice but could not use it, yet now she speaks louder than any sound. As she can now speak she is saying to all women that, beauty and love is us, strength and power is within us.

She is an incredibly fine young woman, beautiful, unique and amazing. She is the queen of her own castle, inspired by women in TRWLA and all over the world. Her beauty flows and shines upon her every time she smiles realising how strong, powerful and capable she is. She knows that this journey is long, but she will get to where she wants to be, through the grace of God she can, and she will.


8 October 2018

- Iris Talane
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